some choose a word for the year.. I tend to choose sentences.. journalling the past few days, words have come to my thoughts and out onto the page..pondering, praying, nurturing the dark nights of my soul, a year of acceptance, embracing the Hecate part of me. being present in the actual moment. living an un-hurried life.. these and more are what I aspire to for 2011..
what are you aspirations?

tonight - dinner at the BonTon Cafe - a yearly tradition for my birthday, just the two of us..
what is it about New Year - capturing the feeling of the day in words is beyond me.. but there is always a certain stillness.. as if all has stopped and is ready to blossom. like a kind of incubation. new journals, diaries, hopes, dreams and wishes.. today, here at Villa Maria is hot. the plants wilt in the still, hot day. bees buzz frantically in the Swamp gum. caterpillars chomp ferociously at my gardenias. Hydrangeas dry out... summer time.
what can I wish for you? for your 2011? ~ a year full of peace. full of whimsy & delight. of discovery. a year of finding joy in each moment. a year of all your wishes and dreams going to the Moon and back to you again.. a year full of LoVe
Happy birthday darling! And a happy new year to you, your family and your friends.
Wishing you a year full of love and laughter, beauty and joy, Grace and peace.
Oh what a lovely post Robyn. It made me smile, not just the words but the beautiful flowers as well.
I wish all for you this year that you need and that sustains you.
Thank you for your friendship, I so value it. It keeps me going on the dark days. And that's not bad from someone the other side of the world who I've yet to meet ( But will!!!)
Happy New Year to you and Joe
hope you have a wonderful birthday robym :)
*hugs* from the new forest
Your birthday??!!
Wishing you a wonderful one and a year full of blessings.
I love this post. New Year's seems to find me standing on a precipice of emotions. I so want this to be a wonderful year...I love that "full of whimsy and delight." I could use some of that about now.
Sending you lots of hugs from across the sea...
Sending happy birthday wishes to you - sounds like you enjoyed it beautifully!
Love Leanne
I just discovered your blog from Leanne over on Cottage Tails and just love it...I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know you better. Happy New Year :)
Happy, happy birthday, Miss*R! May this year be a year of grace, wonder and love for you!
happy birthday blessings Robyn, love Leanne x
your words here are delicious like arms full of white flowers.
i love new beginnings....and how auspicious that your new year and birth year begin hand in hand!
as your day begins with white flowers, which interesting enough is the title of my post today, mine is a blanket of pure white snow.
there is a beauty in our blossoming friendship which defies distance and seasons to meet in the heart and soul of a shared present.
thanks for your beauty in my life.
Your aspirations for being present in each moment and living an unhurried life resonate within me as well. Treating my body with love in times of imperfection and holding my spirit in highest regard as a beautiful gift of life is my aspiration.
So glad you had a lovely birthday dear Robyn.
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year Miss R... Shine the light brightly
this year...
Good evening, Robyn. The word I've chosen to explore this year is "Finish". I chose it because this is the year to finish much of what I have started over the years. Once these items are accomplished and finished, I will have a lot more room in my life.
Happy Birthday for yesterday.
I sat down and wrote in my journal yesterday for the first time in months and intend to do it more often
I will accept all your wishes for me for 2011 and send my wishes back for you, anything your heart desires and more, may it be yours. I especially love the 'full of whimsey and delight', I will have to add that to my list of intentions for 2011.
Thank you.
I find I tend to forget to read blogs now because of Facebook so my word will be 'remember'!
I hope your birthday was wonderful Robyn!
I come over here too! from Rebecca's because I read YOU were joining in to post white flowers!! Yayyyy! The more, the merrier! What beauty full white and other colored flowers YOU had for your birthday!!! Happy Birthday! and it is nice to meet YOU, Robyn, YOU had me at patchouli which is one of my FAVORITE scents, that and the incense the priest uses in church!!! Alleluia!!
I like your thoughts about living an un-hurried life. I'd like that, too.
Your photo of the flowers is so beautiful. We're having snow tonight! Quite unusual for us but it looks so pretty.
Happy birthday and happy new year to you! ! love your thoughts - life is so fast so I need to be remembered to slow down. May this be a happier and healthier year for us all!
So glad you had a happy birthday, Robyn! Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year!! xoxo
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