3 cups self raising flour
1 can beer
pinch of salt & sugar
1/4 cup water
mix ingredients by hand, don't knead
grease loaf tins and pour dough [should be sloppy not dry] into tins
sprinkle with grated cheese, bran or sesame seeds..
bake in hot oven [375F/220C] for 45 mins or until golden
let cook before cutting
- Miss Robyn
- here I am in a little cottage that evokes the energies of my ancestral lands - a cottage on the moors of Cornwall, or on the cliff tops of Ireland or Scotland. It has a hearth. I am a hedge witch {of sorts}. I wear upcycled clothes, patchouli oil and Redback boots. I am a gypsy; an eccentric and a mystic [I often live with a foot in two worlds]. I serve my guests, tea from an old silver teapot. I love Vervain, yarrow, chamomile & mint. Star watcher and Moon gazer. story cloth weaver. keeper of family dreams and wishes. good friend and creator of life. herbal tea drinker and potion maker.